My Freelance Job Hunting Escapade
Not that i had not searched the internet for freelance jobs in the past. I still vividly remember how i perused the internet to purchase an e-book on legitimate jobs online where i got amazing resources on writing jobs but got frustrated along the line when the sites failed to load on my browser. Was it a scam? I could not conclude for the simple reason that i got one site to load which has been a great portal to me till date for other job opportunities in freelance writing. is the useful site i could get stucked to and the effort has been worth while.
I had bookmarked the site after signing up for an opt-in email list to enable me receive job alerts. Using my normal email account for such adventure was not adviseable. I quicklyopened another yahoo email account for this purpose.
Along the line, some other internet activities of mine diverted my attention from my freelance job hunting. I'm still highly determined to get one any of these days.
What then diverted my attention? Oh. I love blogging. I took time off to learn how to create blogs for money. I had earlier sent my spouse to a paid seminar i could not personally attend.
Without wasting time, i went headlong into blogging. I had since created several blogs round different niches like dog bite prevention, stock market investment, url submission, motivation, etc.
You can check out the following sites at least for a quick look:
At a point, i got fed up with creating blogs just for the fun of it.
I wanted to start earning dollars and i had read it up in a publication
that the dream cannot be realised without getting massive traffic to my
blog. Thanks to the resources provided by mike at his blog(
I took the home lessons on 5 ways to get traffic to your blog and applied it to mine.
You can learn more on this on my blog specially dedicated to this(
Back to my freelance writing jobs hunting. Google search engine was my first point of querry. I got which opened the doors to rare freelance resources on the internet. I never wasted anytime to sign up for its weekly
newsletter so i could benefit from its job listing free.
I was not contented with that, i went ahead to explore the links on the site where i stumbled on other highly resourcefull sites like world writing. Before then i had downloaded a pdf freelance writers guide by Angela Adair. I discovered for the first time that i needed to get informed about writers guidelines released by
publishers in order to get paying jobs. A sample of email querry was displayed in the book which i used as a sample to craft my own querry later sent to marriage partnership- a site that accepts articles on marrital issues.
All these was done on December 1st, 2008. I also took time to print out other materials like 'fifteen paying markets for personal essay and
life stories written by Chrysell D'Silva Dias.
I've had enough for the day and had to shut down my system to enable me attend a revival service in my local church. All other related activities on freelance job hunting was postponed till the following day.
The Following Day
What i could not complete on December 1st, i carried over to December 2nd, 2008. I had planned to visit to familiarise myself with the writers guidelines so i can prepare myself to submit articles to that organisation. In the course of my exploration, it occured to me to search for freelance paying jobs again.
I did and it paid off. gave me the first insight i needed to be serious about my freelance job hunting.
It was while going through the list i stumbled on where i had earlier signed up several months ago before going into blogging.
Oh i now remember i had a separate email account for their newsletter. I had said that quietly to myself. I quickly signed in to my yahoo account to access the several mails already waiting for my attention.
Whaoh! It was wonderful. Job listings had been posted which i had missed out all these days.
I started browsing through the opportunities one after the other to get one i could easily apply for.
Nevertheless, i did not want to stop there. I got another article 'Get Published-50 Online Writing Websites for New Writer' Written by Melissa Kahney.
You can get the resources here if you are interested
That was another breakthrough for me. I got where opportunities abound for paying jobs even if you are new in the freelance writing
business. I quickly signed up for the low paying jobs newsletter so that i can start to make a living with my writing talent.
25 Ways To Write For Money!Click Here!
Instant Book Writing Kit. How To Write, Publish And Market Your Own Money-Making Book (or EBook(R)) Online.
Click Here!
About Freelance Writing. Resources For Freelance Writers. Click Here!
Turbo Charge Your Freelance Income With These 101 Techniques.Click Here!
Writing Rituals For Marketing Writers & Copywriters. 5 Proven Rituals To Help You Write Faster And Smarter, And Make More Money. Whether You Are Writing Promotional Materials, Reports, Guides Or Even Your Own Web Sites, This Guide Will Dramatically Increase Your Writing Productivity And Earning Power. Click Here!